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Get to know me...

My name is Lorna and I am the owner of Hazy Days Pet Care. I have a huge passion for all things animal or nature related. Which is why I love dog walking in Torquay, as I can explore our beautiful local landscapes with the dogs. You'll often find me spending my days outside in the fresh air, spotting for bugs and listening to the birds. 


I understand that pets are a part of the family and I will care for your pets like I do my own. My little family currently consists of 3 cats, a European legless lizard, a common musk turtle and fish. I have also had hamsters, rats, praying mantis, chickens and more. I currently have a dog shaped hole in my heart which will soon be filled when the right pooch comes along. 


My previous job role included teaching high standards of animal care, husbandry and practical handling skills to students. I have worked with a huge range of animals from domestic species to exotics.


I am currently a committee member for Butterfly Conservation which includes fundraising, monitoring butterfly and moth species and maintaining local wildlife reserves. Over the years, I have also volunteered for other animals based charities and my roles have included hands on help for dog and cat rescues and hedgehog rehabilitation.

About: About
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